Woodbury C of E Primary School

Remote Learning

Current Remote Leaning
Government guidance has changed significantly since the initial COVID outbreak, please see the latest information on self-isolating - https://www.gov.uk/coronavirus

Is your child isolating at home?
Once you have let the school know that your child is isolating at home, work will be set for them daily on Google Classroom. Please let us know if you don’t have access to an electronic device (i.e., laptop, tablet etc) as the school will endeavour to provide you with one, or alternatively provide paper copies of work.

How much time should my child spend on their schoolwork when they are self-isolating?
Firstly, if your child is unwell, then we do not expect them to be completing their remote learning. The teacher will set work that should take between 2 – 4 hours, spread throughout the day. If your child is using an electronic device for their learning it is recommended that they take a screen break for 5 minutes every hour.

Can we get support on the learning done at home?
Yes, you can email the class email account with work completed or with any questions about the work. Teachers will get back to you as soon as they can, taking into account that they may still be teaching a class in school over the full day. All work sent back will be read by teachers and feedback will be provided to work where appropriate to encourage the children and support them with their understanding. If the teacher has a large volume of work to respond to, they may not be able to acknowledge every piece.

What support is available for children with special educational needs who have to self-
We recognise that our approach for remote learning might need to be adapted to support children with special educational needs. This will be discussed with the parents and class teacher on one-to-one basis to agree how the child’s learning will be supported. This may include options such as:

  • Providing tasks that support the targets with your child’s My Plan or EHCP
  • Additional communication with the school that could include video conferencing.
  •  Teaching assistants delivering bespoke learning activities via Teams or Zoom
  • Providing resources to the home that can support your child’s learning (i.e. sounds
    cards, numicon, whiteboards etc).

 How else can my child carry on learning at home?
 The most important thing to prioritise is reading.  We would recommend that you read with your child every day and     talk to them about what they have read, even with older pupils.