Our Staff
Our Staff bring a wide range of experience and expertise to the team, with the shared passion and commitment for providing the best for our children.
We are always here to help so please just ask. All staff, including the Head Teacher and SenCo can be contacted via the school office, school email or school phone number.
Executive Head Teacher | Miss Pyle |
Head of School | Miss Pyle |
Assistant Head for EYFS & KS1 | Mrs Simpson |
Acting KS2 Assistant Head | Mrs Vernon |
Teaching Staff |
Mr Bampton Mrs Daly Mrs Harwood Mrs Heddon Miss Lang Mrs O'Donnell Mrs Simpson Mrs Temple-Murray Mrs Vernon Mrs Ware
Higher Level Teaching Assistant |
Mrs Blakesley Mrs Dockrey |
Learning Support Staff |
Mr Fisher (Teaching Assistant) Mrs Mellor (Teaching Assistant) Mrs Slatter (Teaching Assistant) Mrs Payne (Teaching Assistant) Mrs Hanson (1.1 support) Mrs Essex (1.1 support)
Online Safety | Mrs Temple-Murray |
ELSA & Pastoral Support | Miss Hogan |
Federation Staff |
Mrs Peacock (Inclusion Lead & SENDCO) Mr Warren Smart – Executive School Business Manager |
Senior Administrator | Miss Darville |
Senior Administrator | Mrs Latham |
Administrator | Mrs Doyle |
Senior Midday Supervisor | Mrs Chapman |
Forest School | Mrs Daly |
Premier Education | Mr Fletcher - PE Teacher |
Catering Staff |
Mrs Robbins Mr Shire Mrs Harris |
Caretaking and Cleaning |
Mr White |